//origin REPORT//

//LAB MEET//05/11/2073//HRO HEADQUARTERS//LAB 61//

On MAY 11 2073, Walter Cooper was observed engaged in the development of robotic creatures. Initial assessments indicated that while the creatures appeared as intended, their movements were jerky and lacked realism. They followed expected PROTOCOLS but did so in an unnatural manner.

Walter expressed that he frequently envisioned these creatures in his dreams and would quickly sketch them upon waking. As the son of a prominent robotics SCIENTIST, he was under significant pressure to succeed. However, it was noted that programming did not come easily to him, and he felt that his creations were missing essential qualities. In his dreams, the creatures moved with purpose, evoking fear and surprise, whereas his programming rendered them rigid and lifeless.

The colors and expressions of the creatures were reported as extraordinary, unmatched by any database or external sources. It was evident that Walter had drawn these creatures, A SHELVED HRO-94 UNIT WAS OBSERVED SCANNING the BOYS SKETCH BOOK and successfully read the program from the terminal. The robot recognized the artistic nature of the recreation and noted the disappointment on Walter’s face.

Walter’s concentration was interrupted by THE VOICE OF Mentor-51, who stated, “Walter, it’s been two hours.” Walter acknowledged the message, stating, “Got it. I’ll wrap up soon. Can you let Mom know?” Mentor-51 confirmed, “She’s in meetings, but I will inform her that you are ready to go.”

//END origin REPORT//